Category: Life

Is it time to be clearer about ‘secular’?

The Michaela School legal case raises complex questions about the purpose of education, the definition of secularism, and the balance between freedoms and rules.

Lockdown learning: #14 of 14 Life and death

The last in a short series of 2 minute observations… For me the lockdown has been like a magnifying glass poring over life and death. I have been encouraged to look more closely at what life is and is not really about and it has highlighted death on a dally basis. Neither of these things …

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Lockdown learning: #13 Economy 2.0?

The penultimate in a short series of 2 minute observations… We are nearing the end of ‘lockdown’ and entering a new ‘normal’ (or what passes for it). This week I was led to wonder if Covid-19 provides us  with a chance to reset our approach to living or at least the economic bit? Bizarrely, this was provoked …

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lockdown learning: #12 An ironic trade-off

A short series of 2 minute observations… For almost all of us at the moment, our biggest health headache is Covid-19. Especially those of us of an older disposition are seeking to avoid meeting the virus. However, we are also of a generation that grew up being told year-in-year-out that smoking was really bad for your …

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Lockdown learning: #11 Choices and consequences

A short series of 2 minute observations… I like having choices… but not always the consequences! As we hit week 14 of lockdown I am reminded of how what seem like local choices that have led to our current situation. How does hygiene in a Chinese market come to have such a profound impact on …

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